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Release notes

v2.6.0 - 2025-02-06


  • For HTTP 400: Bad Request, we now return an error code 429 when a parameter value has too many decimal places. The number of decimal places can vary per market.
  • For HTTP 503: Service Unavailable, we now return error codes:
    • 430 when a connection times out because no new market data events are received.
    • 431 when we cannot retrieve data for a market because it isn't in a trading status.


  • When making an Update order request, the fills object in the response now only includes the fills generated by the request instead of all historical fills for the specified orderId.
  • In the Create Order request, Update Order, and Cancel Order requests, the clientOrderId must only have a unique identifier among the open orders of that user. When the orders are closed, you can reuse that clientOrderId.
  • Specifying the clientOrderId query parameter in the Get order request now only returns the latest order for that clientOrderId.
  • When making a Get orders request, the value of the clientOrderId is only returned for the latest order of the same clientOrderId. The values for earlier orders that used that clientOrderId is null.
  • The Get balance request now only returns the assets that have a balance greater than 0.
  • When retrieving the order book or subscribing to ticker and book endpoints, the data is now only returned for the markets that are in a trading status.
  • When making a Get order book request, the maximum depth of bids and asks to retrieve in a single request is now 1000.


  • The Get open orders request now returns an empty fills object instead of all historical fills for the specified orderId. This parameter will be removed in the next version.
  • When creating a new order, setting the disableMarketProtection parameter no longer works. If included, the request does not fail, but it ignores the parameter.



  • We have added a new Transaction History endpoint to retrieve the transaction history of your account. You can filter transactions by type and date range.



  • We have added a new Fees endpoint to retrieve the transaction costs you are charged for trading in a specific market.





We updated the Rate limits policies.



  • You can now set a unique clientOrderId for every new order. You use this ID to easily track the order status.
  • You can set a unique requestId to an initial WebSocket request. This value is added to the return parameters for the action.



  • We added stopLoss, stopLossLimit, takeProfit, and takeProfitLimit order types.
  • We added the Account endpoints.



  • We added networks to assets.



  • Added orderId to user trades.



  • Added bestBidSize and bestAskSize to the tickerBook and the WebSocket ticker.
  • Added bestBid, bestBidSize, bestAsk, bestAskSize, and timestamp parameters to ticker24h.
  • Added the tradeIdFrom, tradeIdTo, orderIdFrom, and orderIdTo parameters to limit returned trades and orders (deprecating tradeId orderId in those searches).
  • Added a ticker24h WebSocket stream.